Thin Walled Circle

Radius, r:

Thickness t:


Area, A: mm2
Perimeter (Outside), P: mm
Perimeter (Inside), P: mm
Centroid, Cx: mm
Centroid, Cy: mm
Second Moment of Area, Ix: mm4
Second Moment of Area, Iy: mm4
Second Moment of Area, Ix1: mm4
Second Moment of Area, Iy1: mm4
Polar Moment of Inertia, Jz: mm4
Polar Moment of Inertia, Jz1: mm4
Radius of Gyration, Kx: mm
Radius of Gyration, Ky: mm
Radius of Gyration, Kz: mm
Radius of Gyration, Kx1: mm
Radius of Gyration, Ky1: mm
Radius of Gyration, Kz1: mm
Plastic Section Modulus, S: mm3
Elastic Section Modulus, Z: mm3
Torsional Constant, J: mm4